A Letter to my 15 Year Old Self

I wrote this blog post for CLMB Official , an amazing initiative that helps young people focus on their careers, life skills, mental health and building their future – check out the rest of their work here. I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to write for such an innovative organisation – it’s really early days butContinue reading “A Letter to my 15 Year Old Self”

Resilience and Why It Matters

I wrote this blog post for CLMB, an amazing initiative that helps young people focus on their careers, life skills, mental health and building their future – check out the rest of their work here! I’m grateful to have written for such an innovative organisation – it’s really early days but it’s already doing greatContinue reading “Resilience and Why It Matters”

My goals for August (and beyond!)

So, another month has gone by and we’re over half way through the year 🤯 In January I made the usual resolutions that I always fall back on – drink more water! Lose some weight! Read more! And while I have upped the litres and shed some fat, I haven’t picked up as many booksContinue reading “My goals for August (and beyond!)”

Revolution Skincare/Makeup haul

Whilst we’ve been in lockdown I’ve saved so much money compared to normal. I know exactly why this is: 1, my lack of a monthly season ticket, and 2, my lack of daily trips to co-op/sainsbury’s/Pret for snacks or coconut milk chai lattes 😬 (if you haven’t, TRY IT. The addition of coconut is aContinue reading “Revolution Skincare/Makeup haul”

Three Things I’m Grateful for in Lockdown

It’s been a weird time, these last few months. I know many people have written a post about this and the things they’re grateful for, but it’s recently dawned on me (okay, not THAT recently, I’ve known I do this for ages…) that I’m always looking for the next thing. The next job, the nextContinue reading “Three Things I’m Grateful for in Lockdown”

My Favourite Healthy (ish) snacks

I’ve been having a real writer’s block for the past few weeks. I’ve been desperate to write but just had no inspo whatsoever – I think one of the subconscious effects of this lockdown is that my brain power is seriously diminished. Anyway, I really wanted to write, so I started thinking about what IContinue reading “My Favourite Healthy (ish) snacks”

A little MyProtein Haul

I don’t know about anyone else, but I love reading about/watching other people’s hauls from shops! Usually it’s a ridiculous amount of stuff but I just have a real fascination with what other people buy (especially if it’s food or makeup 🌝). The other week I ordered a few bits from MyProtein (more on thisContinue reading “A little MyProtein Haul”

My Favourite Self-Care Activities

It probably comes at no surprise that I’m a HUGE fan of all things #wellness and self-care. I mean, what 23 year old woman isn’t? Pre-lockdown, this list would have included things like “get your nails done!” or “buy a (overpriced) green juice” and whilst I love these things to de-stress, treat myself and chillContinue reading “My Favourite Self-Care Activities”

My Top 6 Skincare Items (on a budget)

My skin has gone through some weird phases, it has to be said. For as long as I can remember, it’s been oily A.F. I suffered from the usual teenage acne, and each month when that TOTM comes, hormonal acne still rears its painful head. I would say in the last six months to aContinue reading “My Top 6 Skincare Items (on a budget)”

The (dreaded?) First Post…

Hey, my name is Emily (everyone shortens it to Em), I’m 23 and I’ve wanted to start a blog for the LONGEST time. I’ve been putting it off for ages as I feel like everyone says that at some point, but I’ve been thinking loads about it and I think it would be really goodContinue reading “The (dreaded?) First Post…”

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